Dear Doctor: This site can help you

Dear Doctor,

~Sigh…. You just got a message that Mr. Jones is back in the hospital. Again. You just saw him last week! He looked fine…. no complaints. Hasn’t smoked now in 5 years. He tries to exercise, but gets tired quickly. You did a quick 02 test on him in the hallways, and he doesn’t desat with exercise. What else can you do for Mr. Jones? You’ve heard that Pulmonary Rehab is a good place to start. But the closest PR program is 30 miles away and you know Mr. Jones won’t drive that far 3 days a week. Plus, the skimpy insurance he has won’t pay for it. Geez, you wish he’d stop using the ER and the hospital for every little whiff of a cold he gets. What to do? Enter COPD Success. I built this site for people just like Mr. Jones. So, what’s in it for you? Let me ask you: How many “Mr. Joneses” do you know? Progressive exercise has been proven to lessen the severity of COPD. And now, after 2 solid years of figuring this out, Pulmonary Rehab can now come to your patients. Right now, I am offering lifetime membership to COPD Success for $297. And I am willing to compensate you for referring patients to me. Can I do that? YES, because this is a private pay program, I do not bill Medicare nor any other insurance. Your patients can review the educational modules as many times as they wish. With your permission, they can exercise along with the videos I made. I make them all electronically sign a waiver and a promise that they will have someone with them when they exercise, for safety’s sake.
If you think you have patients that would benefit from Pulmonary Rehab, but can’t attend a formal program, consider sending them to me.
Anyone can peruse the COPD Success site for free, with access to my Blogs. Paid members have access to all of the learning modules, stretching and exercise videos, podcasts, and more!

Hi, I am Kelly Welton, founder of COPD Success. Before I blather on about all my degrees and experience, I want to tell you WHY I started this business. I’ve been doing Pulmonary Rehab for about 15 years, graduating 6 patients every 6 weeks. That’s 48 people every year that can get out, do more, resume doing the things they love. All of my graduates say the same thing: It helped tremendously, they loved the program, they got their life back- some of them got off of oxygen, some got rid of their wheelchairs. But it dawned on me: 48 patients a year is but a fraction of the number of people who have COPD and Asthma.

I should be graduating 48 HUNDRED people a year. Determined, I climbed up the internet learning curve and after almost 6 years of work, (with major help of course!) I built this site for YOU and your patients.

If you wish to subscribe, read my blog, and peruse the site, I promise you will learn a lot.

If you or your patients become a full member, they will reap the full benefits of the information, education modules, AND a guided exercise program to do safely at their pace. Plus motivation, and a full year’s access to the program for continued progress and success!

Another reason I built this business: Pulmonary Rehabilitation has been proven to decrease breathlessness, and increase endurance and strength. But not everyone has access to Pulmonary Rehab programs. Pulmonary Rehab is generally offered at major medical centers. Insurance or Medicare usually pays. But what if your patients live too far to travel to Pulmonary Rehab 3 days a week? What if the co-pay per visit is too high? What if their insurance doesn’t cover Pulmonary Rehab? Or they’ve already previously used up your Pulmonary Rehab benefits? Or they are still working, or, most commonly, they no longer drive and transportation is an issue? I built this business for those exact patients.

I had a vision, where everyone with lung disease could safely and affordibly improve their health, one step at a time.

So grab a cup of coffee or tea, get comfy,  snoop around the site, and enjoy.

Can you think of at least 10 patients of yours who, despite your having a PR program right there at your medical center, just can’t make it to class 3 days a week?

If  you would like more information, please let me know either by phone: 877-884-4587

Love and Blessings,

Kelly Welton RRT –NPS

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