Supplements and a Diet to Breathe Easier

Asthma is considered to be an inflammatory disease, with many different triggers that can start the spiral of not being able to breathe. However, many of my recommendations for Asthma patients also hold true for my COPD and ILD patients.

There are several teas out there, Yogi Tea’s Breathe Deep and Traditional Medicinals’ Breathe Easy seem to take top awards in respiratory forums. Visit my Amazon Store for the best deals if your local grocer does not carry these.

Ginger has been shown to relax smooth muscle, helping to keep the airways open. You can make a tea from just ginger, or eat foods that have ginger as a spice. Avoid pickled and candied ginger.

Vitamin D supplementation can ensure adequate levels of the vitamin, as low levels have been linked to a decrease in lung function. Unless you still drink lots of milk and get out in the sunshine, I recommend a D3 supplement.

Another interesting supplement is Modified Citrus Pectin. It is derived from orange peels and works by binding with a protein that is present when there is inflammation. Please don’t go eating orange peels, though….  just ensure the MCP you are buying is organic.

For people who notice their symptoms worsen when they are nervous or anxious, I recommend Bach’s Rescue Remedy.

Following a Mediterranean diet has also been shown to decrease the number of flare-ups.  The Mediterranean diet consists of whole, unprocessed foods, olive oil, and lentils and beans.

Always check with your Doctor or Pharmacist before taking any supplements, vitamins, herbs, or minerals. He or she will able to check for  interactions with prescriptions you are currently taking.

And don’t forget, your inhalers are a prescription drug!

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